“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
Like the above quote, inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla also (1856-1943) stated, “If you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered with our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.” The following year after Tesla died, researcher Bruce Tainio (1944-2009) was born and continued along this vein of work, stating that the healthy body resonates a frequency of 62-72 MHz (MHz is equivalent to 1 million Hz). When the bodies frequency lowers to 58 MHz, disease starts. At 57-60 MHz, we become susceptible to colds and flu, at 42 MHz, cancer and at 25 MHz, death begins. Ironically, Tainio died of cancer at the the age of 65, while Tesla died at the ripe older age of 86 of age appropriate heart disease.
So now that we have established that better physical health is correlated to higher frequency on a cellular level, let’s talk about how it also affects mental, emotional and spiritual health.
We have all heard the term “good vibes.” My aunt gave me a shirt that reminds me of this positive fact.

Dictionary.com defines “good vibes” as: a slang phrase for the positive feelings given off by a person, place, or situation.
Our thoughts are connected to our vibrational frequency. Positive feelings are generated by positive thoughts, while negative feelings are generated by negative thoughts. What you “feed” yourself mentally is what will manifest in your life. The Law of Attraction, first mentioned in a book by author Helena Blavatsky back in 1877, is the concept of “like attracts like.” It is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. So if we focus on positive aspects by surrounding ourselves with positive people, thoughts and actions, then the same will be returned to us. The same is said about negative aspects. When we belittle, judge, or criticize ourselves, other people or situations, what we emit outwards, will also be returned to us.
When I find myself thinking or speaking negative, or low frequency, thoughts, it is returned to me by the people that become magnetized to me and my vibration. I find myself doubting myself and abilities, feeling betrayed by the people important to me and a significant change to my health, through sickness, weight gain, and skin and hair problems, to name a few.
When I change my Law of Attraction to higher frequency and positive thoughts and actions, then that also is returned to me through the people that are magnetized to me, who are also on a higher frequency. My skills become enhanced, I feel healthy and happy, my weight goes to a healthy level and signs of physical issues disappears.
There are many things that can contribute to making it easier to reach a higher vibrational frequency, thereby, reaching optimum heatlth and wellness for your body, mind and soul.

Creating an environment of peak wellness can start with changing your environment. Eliminate negative influences from your life, through who you come in contact with, possibly leaving an energy draining job or decluttering your home, all have a huge impact on how your feel about your space.
When I surround myself with happy like-minded people, take a risk to find work that supports my passion and keep my home clean, it definitely makes a huge difference on how I feel about myself.

They say “you are what you eat.” Eating nutrient rich, natural (if not organic), whole foods has a direct correlation to the health of our physical bodies but also to our mental state as well. Processed or fast foods are full of chemicals and preservatives that create a toxic environment in our body. These foods have a low to zero frequency and will have a huge impact on your thoughts and feelings. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, non-hormonal and chemical free lean meats, whole grains, plant-based pastas, high quality herbs, plant-based oils and omega-3 fats can make a significant difference in how you feel. Also, using caffeine and alcohol in moderation is key.
When I eat healthy and keep my coffee and wine in check, I feel lighter and cleaner, as opposed to drinking more than one cup of coffee or going overboard on wine, where I experience dense and heavy energy. Prolonged and heavy use of either has created a downward spiral of extreme highs and depressing lows for me.

In the last post, we talked about chakras and how they influence the energy fields within the body. Keeping your chakras aligned, open and flowing through listening to chakra soundbath music can assist easily and effortlessly. Also, going for a Reiki energy healing session is another easy technique that can have a profound effect.
When I go to regular Reiki sessions and get a chakra pendulum reading to tract the movement of energy in each of my meridians, I am able to stay on top of the function of my chakras, and can determine what areas of my life might need additional work and adjustments. I also play the crystal bowls, which are each tuned to a specific chakra frequency, in my soundbath and yoga classes to assist myself and my students.

Essential oils
Essential oils contain extremely high frequencies ranging from 52 MHz to 580 MHz. While there is still debate about the efficacy of oils, applying them directly to your body (use high or therapeutic grade) or spraying or diffusing them throughout your house, certainly can’t hurt. And it creates a pleasing smell that definitely helps how we feel.
Aromatherapy is another technique I use in my yoga and soundbath classes to create relaxation and a pleasant sensation. While I usually have one or two students that choose not to be sprayed, most seriously enjoy it. When I use essential oils in my home through diffusion or heat, people that visit comment on how nice and enjoyable my house feels with these comforting smells. Similar, I believe, the way a home-cooked meal smells.

Healing crystals
Another concept up for scientific debate, is the power crytstals have over healing and whether they can contribute to raising your vibrational frequency. But one thing that is evident, is belief can change much. So like essential oils, crystals can do no harm and may actually contribute to better health. Crystals like all other matter consist of energy and this energy is harnessed in a technique called crystallization and they vibrate at different frequencies depending on their matter, size, thickness and their color or light frequency. Unlike human frequency, which is unstable and easily influenced, crystals are stable energy that doesn’t change. They have a fixed, repeating, geometric pattern. There are many ways to use crystals to boost your psychological thoughts and emotions, for different crystals are known to beneficially enhance these certain areas. But another way to be more focused on their use for raising your frequency is to apply them to your chakras. There are many crystals that can correspond to each colors that are associated with each of the chakras, as we spoke about in the last post. Using the color guide below, using these crystals on your chakra areas while receiving a Reiki energy session or even just holding them to transmit their energy can be helpful.
Chakra | Color | Crystal/Gem |
Root | Red | Tourmaline/Ruby |
Sacral | Orange | Jasper/Garnet |
Solar Plexus | Yellow | Amber/Topaz |
Heart | Green | Adventure/Emerald |
Throat | Blue | Lapus Lazuli/Sapphire |
Third Eye | Purple | Amethyst/Amethyst |
Crown | Violet/White | Diamond/Quartz |
My aunt uses chakra crystals during my Reiki energy healing sessions. I often will feel heat emanating from them on any chakra that is low functioning or closed. I have multiple necklaces and bracelets that I wear on special occasions. I also hold certain crystals when I am meditating or having a full moon ritual with my friends. When a powerful conversation is going on, these crystals will become extremely warm. I also have a specific twin-peaked quartz crystal that becomes so hot, I have to put it down until it cools. My personal experience with crystals has been definitive so I carry a lot of faith in them.
Using these techniques can help achieve a higher vibrational frequency, thereby, creating a level up on ascension, which is a shift in consciousness. These shifts can be a painful process, but each time creates a lighter feeling of existence and a powerful inner healing of core wounds.
Stay tuned for a deep discussion of ascension and how to deal with the power of transformation.
Thank you for reading. xoxo