The Celestial Chakras: Planets and Energy Centers within the Body

“The moon, the sun, the planets and the universe are celestial whirling energy centers, or celestial chakras.” – Unknown

In the post, What are the 7 Chakras of the body and How do they Influence your Health?, we discussed the seven energy centers, or chakras, of the body. Now, we are going to go on to discuss an additional three chakras located outside the body, one located between Earth and us, and two between us and the Universe.

The Earth Star Chakra is located between us and the Earth, and its color association is black. It is the grounding energy chakra we mostly feel when we are out in nature connecting to Gaia, Mother Earth. When open, we feel connected and safe on Earth and when blocked, we feel threatened and afraid of the outdoors, paranoid of nature.

Energy color associated with the Earth Star chakra

The Soul Star Chakra is located directly above us and the Universe, and its color is associated with pink. It is the universal energy chakra we feel when we observe the stars, the Milky Way, or the Aurora Borealis (northern lights). When open, we understand we are part of a larger force, a bigger reality than just being on Earth. When closed, we are unable, or feel uncomfortable acknowledging, or not able to easily grasp the concept of space, and our connection to it.

Energy color associated with the Soul Star chakra

The Stellar Gateway Chakra is located further away from us and closer to the Universe, and gold is the color association. It is the galactic energy we feel when we can understand the concept of multiple universes, or deeper learnings, like the 12 Cosmic rays, the 7 rays of Crystalline Light, or the 13 codes of Ascension, just to name a few. When open, we easily connect to these theories and practices, but when closed, we have difficulty grasping these concepts.

Energy color associated with the Stellar Gateway chakra

If we also refer to the post, Astrology: How do the Planets influence your life?, we can review how the planets influence different aspects of your life. When we combine these two concepts we can get an association between planets and chakras.

There are as many differing opinions on this subject, as there are planets and chakras, but for all intents and purposes, we will be referring to my own interpretation of how the planets and chakras can be associated with a very simple comparison of what the planets and chakras each represent.

Earth StarI groundSaturnI structure
RootI existSunI am
SacralI desireMoonI feel
Solar PlexusI doMarsI act
HeartI loveVenusI love
ThroatI expressMercuryI speak
Third EyeI seeUranusI reform
CrownI understandJupiterI expand
Soul StarI ascendNeptuneI dream
Stellar GatewayI transformPluto I transform
Chakra and Planet comparisons
The galaxy

It’s also important to distinct that, while there will be times in life where chakras may become impaired or lower energy due to challenges in life, in order to work and understand each chakra, work must be done in each one of these areas in order to ascend. In other words, you need to have climbed the ladder from the Earth Star chakra, where you start to just become grounded to the earth plane, all the way up to the Stellar Gateway chakra, where you can resonate with galactic energy. These people are the minority, but are increasing in numbers since recorded history. These are the Light Language people, who are able to channel messages from other beings in other realms, or star systems. These messages are translated from these other beings by their higher self, which was formed from the Soul Star chakra.

Earth Star-Black energy

Earth Star Chakra-Saturn

Once again, using myself as an example, I was born already having my Earth Star chakra open and flowing, as do most people who feel at peace and harmony in nature. They use the healing energy of earth to ground and recharge. But there are people who don’t feel comfortable out in nature, as these people where born to be more in focus with the mortal body and its core desires. There is no right or wrong with this, just the how and why we were brought to earth for this life.

Root-Red energy

Root Chakra-Sun

I was also born with my Root chakra open and flowing, as I was very aware of myself, and my being, from first memory. As a “larger than life” child, I was a very omnipresent personality, that my mother had to constantly deal with (thank you, mama) and my father came to know better (thank you, dad). People who feel invisible, or insignificant, have a harder time in life, regarding this chakra, and have difficulty understanding themselves in any way, creating blocks for all the upper chakras.

Sacral-Orange energy

Sacral Chakra-Moon

My Sacral chakra was also open upon birth, as I have always been aware of my feelings, for I feel deeply and passionately. My feelings have been expressed loudly and openly, but not constructively when I was younger. So while this chakra was open upon birth, it became impaired during my formative years, from traumas that occurred, where I came to believe my feelings were wrong. The people who have difficulty feeling, from infant stage, have issues with this chakra upon birth. For other people, the lack of feelings come from deep, dark trauma at a very young age.

Solar Plexus-Yellow energy

Solar Plexus Chakra-Mars

The Solar Plexus chakra is the beginning of what needed work for me, at a young age. The “I act” or “I do” was extremely reactive, since I can remember. It took years to learn how to act consciously and compassionately on a regular basis. The only way I knew how to do this from birth was with animals, whereas with people, I reacted unconsciously and angrily. I had yet to understand why people were brought into my life to trigger me. Now that I have embraced that concept, I am able to act and not react. This is a hard stop for many people still, even in their adult and advanced years. Some were not brought to this world for that purpose, instead they were brought as lessons for others.

Heart-Green energy

Heart Chakra-Venus

This one also was a difficult one for me, for while my Heart chakra was well developed, it was impaired, as I only knew how to fiercely love others conditionally. It wasn’t until I learned to truly love myself, that I learned how to love unconditionally. Let me expand on this, as this one is a human collective condition, that many people suffer from. Upon birth, infants love unconditionally. We are all brought into this world as unconditional beings. It is after being programmed by society, that we learn to “un-love” ourselves. I had to take this program and deconstruct it, and embrace the dark aspects of myself, in order to understand and accept what I thought was the dark aspects of others. Once able to do this for myself, I was able to apply this to others, therefore, continuing to love them as a fellow beings, even while not appreciating the influence they had or have on my life. The ones I do appreciate in my life, I can easily now embrace their dark traits along with their light traits. Many people have extreme difficulty with this, and it was not easy to do for myself. I was lucky to have one particular influence in my life, that severely motivated this growth, and I am eternally grateful to that person.

Throat-Blue energy

Throat Chakra-Mercury

That person’s influence created a ripple effect to my higher chakras, which moved me to work on my Throat chakra. Most of my life, I didn’t have problems expressing myself, rather I had issues with how I expressed myself. I was blunt, raw, uncensored, and brutal in how I communicated to myself and with others (this has a lot to do with my astrological placements). I was too intense for most people (and even myself at times) and got called out on it, again and again. Through all that time, I claimed it was “just how I am”. But it didn’t have to be. When my heart chakra got an upgrade, and I learned to love myself, I began to learn how to speak from love and compassion. This is another tough aspect for people, as we are all taught to criticize ourselves, which leads directly to criticizing others. I walk this tightrope every single day because, when we are hurt and angry, its easy to express those feelings by finding fault through other’s actions. What I have to do is remind myself that my hurt and anger, while possibly valid, is still my own to be accountable for. I can express traits about others that I don’t find morally or ethically appealing, in relation to how I have been treated, and still understand why they have developed those traits. Many people struggle with this, as I also do daily, but the key is awareness of why I need to be accountable for my own hurt and anger, and what I can do to continue to heal those wounds.

Third Eye-Purple energy

Third Eye Chakra-Uranus

This chakra was also activated once I learned the art of communication. My Third Eye chakra, while also very present upon birth, became very impaired through many occurrences, creating a sense of doubt in my intuition and spirituality. According to my mother, I was fairly in tune with the “otherworld”, saying quirky things like, “I had a choice of two mothers and I chose you”, or vividly remembering past life traumas, and even possible deaths scenarios. Unfortunately, this was scary for me, and I learned to block it quickly. During my childhood, we were very involved in spiritualism, and certain aspects of these hidden realms became more open for me as time went on. I lost it all again under the title of adult, where my main concern was survival and accomplishments. While I practiced my spirituality somewhat, the constant seriousness of my practice daily didn’t occur until around 2014, when a extremely traumatic event, caused me to plunge back into spirituality and into self-healing. As the progression up the chakra ladder occurred, the more I could rely on my intuition and faith. While there a lot of people who claim to a faith, it is much harder to actually live the creeds of that faith on a daily basis for many, often finding it easier to claim one thing, while doing another. Intuition, or listening to your higher self, can also be difficult for many, as we are not encouraged as a society to do so.

Crown-Violet White energy

Crown Chakra-Jupiter

This chakra has been a more recent development in my life. The Crown chakra came about when I started to understand my role in the larger picture of things. I realized I had a soul purpose and a destiny to fulfill, and this chakra opening allowed me to utilize my talents for the greater good. It started when I saw my drive to continue contributing to wildlife medicine, running a large teaching wildlife hospital, as not just a means to an end, but a higher calling. The impact I had on those animals, and the people involved with their care, became a larger than life destiny. When my soul contract with that place ended, it gave me the courage and drive to move from the healing of not only animals, but also to the human collective. This expansion of my being has been liberating and important work I find deep satisfaction in. It feels right, and pure, and natural, and free-flowing. This area of fulfillment can be difficult for people to achieve, as only a handful of people on this earth can say they are driven by a higher purpose geared toward the human collective. Even reaching this stage can create a very satisfying existence on this earth.

Soul Star-Pink energy

Soul Star Chakra-Neptune

This area of work is where I am currently. The Soul Star chakra is a work in progress for me, as I continually work hard at ascension. Keeping all the bodily chakras clear, open and flowing is imperative to reach this chakra, which is no longer an energy center within the body, but instead connected with the Universe. This is where I can see myself as part of the picture larger than Earth, and connecting to a universal collective. The part where I understand that all beings and objects are all part of a larger vibrational frequency, and that the ascension of a few can radiate out to the ascension of many. This was very hard for me to grasp at first, and I only started understanding my place in it over the last three years. This concept can be extremely difficult for people to reach, for as humans, we are mostly aware and concerned with our bodily interactions with people and places, finding the universal realm hard to grasp. This was honestly something I couldn’t have resonated with most of my life, but the more I work on it, the more comfortable I am becoming with this.

Stellar Gateway-Gold energy

Stellar Gateway Chakra-Pluto

I have not reached this realm yet, nor do I know if I am meant to in this life. It is still a ambiguous concept to me, and one I am still struggling to comprehend. I follow the teachings of some people who have reached this state and find it interesting, but if I am meant to understand and open this chakra, I must first complete the opening of my Soul Star energy field. I feel this area of the stellar gateway is only for a select few at this time, but may very well become a more common way of existence, if we can find our way closer to understanding how to be a part of the One source consciousness. The people who exist in this plane are called Galactic beings, and can translate Light language messages from other sources to the human collective.

The chakra system, like any connecting energy field, needs to be a continuous and complete circuit, in order to function properly. If there is short circuiting occurring, then problems arise that can cause breakdowns or even devastation. While the top two chakras connecting the body to the Universe are not a mandatory requirement in everyone’s lives, being able to clear the first eight is a goal that can be achievable to anyone who is willing to put in the work. As I stated before, not everyone has been brought to this life to clear every bodily chakra at this point and time, but I do believe as the human collective continues to elevate its own vibrational frequency, through a give and take relationship with the Earth, more and more souls will have a greater desire to do so.

Thank you for reading. xoxo

What are the 7 Chakras of the body and How do they Influence your Health?

“Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the world.” – Deepak Chopra

In Sanskrit (an old Indo-Aryan language), chakra means “disc” or “wheel.” Each of these discs or wheels are spinning circles of energy that align along the human body. They can be considered open or closed, aligned or misaligned, or balanced or unbalanced. Each of these energy centers correspond to different parts of the body.

Merriam-Webster defines chakra as: any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy, while GoogleDictionary defines it as: each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number.

While some say there are a total of 114 chakras within the entire body, most only focus on 7-12 of these. Seven directly correspond within the body, while the other five correspond to energy outside of the human body. We will be focusing on the main seven chakras and how each one relates to certain body functions, needs, desires, and health.

In order to function properly, chakras need to be open (aligned, balanced) and free flowing. Any blockages can cause stagnation of the energy and creates emotional, physical and mental issues.

RootRedBase of Spine
Solar PlexusYellowStomach
Third EyePurpleForehead
CrownViolet/WhiteTop of Head
Chakras and their corresponding color association and location within the body

Each one of these energy wheels is responsible from basic bodily functions to spiritual needs or desires, from the most base one of root chakra, to the most enlightened one of crown chakra.

7 Chakras
RootBase of SpineI existSafety, Security
SacralPelvisI desirePassion, Sexuality
Solar PlexusStomachI doCourage, Confidence
HeartChestI loveRelationships, Empathy
ThroatNeckI expressCommunication, Faith
Third EyeForeheadI seeIntuition, Insight
CrownTop of HeadI understandSpirituality, Universe
Chakras and their meaning

An interference of this energy flow can cause physical aliments, emotional disruptions or mental fog, and is often indicative of a blocked or low functioning chakra. Let’s review each one individually and dig deeper into what issues can arise and what we can do to improve the energy flow or “to balance” the chakra.

Muladhara (Root Chakra)

The Muladhara, or Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and rules the most basic of needs, such as survival, security and safety. When this chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, healthy, abundant and safe. When blocked, we are unable to release basic emotions such as fear, grief, sadness or guilt. Psychologically, we feel stuck, lonely, anxious, depressed, indecisive or phobic. Its imperative the root chakra is clear, otherwise it will impair the other six. Physical problems associated with hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet or lower digestive will often present itself. Activities that can help open this chakra can include ballet or tap dancing, running or doing squats. The yoga pose for opening this chakra is Warrior I.

Svadhisthana (Sacral chakra)

The Svadhisthana, or Sacral chakra, is located in the pelvic area and rules pleasure, desire, passion and joy. When this chakra is balanced, we feel sexually satisfied, connected to other people, joyful, and attractive. When blocked, we feel a lack of energy, unmotivated for life, sex or exercise. Psychologically, we have a low libido, co-dependency issues, jealousy, and unbalanced emotions. Physical problems associated with the reproductive organs, kidneys, urinary tract infections and chronic lower back issues. Activities that can help open this chakra can include any dancing that includes movement of the pelvis, like Salsa or Bachata dancing. The yoga pose for opening this chakra is Half Pigeon.

Manipura (Solar Plexus chakra)

The Manipura, or Solar Plexus chakra, is located in the stomach/diaphram area and rules our courage, confidence and personal power. When this chakra is balanced, we feel confident, able to manifest, and willing to take risks. When blocked, we feel stressed and powerless, unable to gain control, and mentally or physically exhausted. Psychologically, we have difficulty listening to our gut instinct, poor concentration and memory. Physical problems are associated with indigestion, digestive issues, eating disorders, poor metabolism, bloated belly, and diabetes. Activities that can help open this chakra can include belly dancing, or Argentine Tango, which requires contra twisting at the waist. The yoga pose for opening this chakra is Boat Pose.

Anahata (Heart chakra)

Anahata, or the Heart chakra, is located in the chest area and rules our relationships with others and with ourselves, empathy and emotional healing. When this chakra is balanced, we feel love, compassion, trust and forgiveness. When blocked, we feel disconnected, self-loathing and hopeless. Psychologically, we are detached, uncommitted, vengeful, unfaithful, and distrustful. Physical problems can include heart problems, asthma, respiratory distress, shoulder and upper back pain, and pneumonia. Activities to help open this chakra can include modern dance, swimming, or push ups. The yoga pose for opening up this chakra is Camel pose.

Vishuddha (Throat chakra)

Vishuddha, or the Throat chakra, is located in the neck area and rules communication, self-expression, and responsibility. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to communicate clearly with others, we speak well of ourselves, and are able to express our thoughts and feelings. When blocked, we feel unable to express emotion, thoughts or ideas, lack of belief in our creativity and unable to take accountability for our actions. Psychologically, we are isolated, nervous, anxious and fearful. Physical problems can be neck problems, sore throat, constant tickle or clearing of the throat, voice loss, jaw pain, sinus issues and thyroid problems. Activities that can help open this chakra can include singing, gargling with saltwater or screaming out where no one can hear. The yoga pose for opening up this chakra is Fish Pose.

Ajna (Third Eye chakra)

Ajna, or the Third Eye chakra, is located on the forehead and rules psychic energy, ideas, thoughts, dreams, and higher intuition. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to process our thoughts clearly, hear our higher self, remember and interpret our dreams, and cultivate psychic tendencies. When blocked, we feel stuck intellectually, confused, clouded, and closed to new ideas. Psychologically, we can be prone to seizures, neurological issues, nightmares, personality disorders and learning difficulties. Physical problems can include headaches or migraines, eye problems, ear problems and scalp or hair issues. Activities that can help open this chakra up can include visualization or create a vision board, lucid dreaming and remote viewing. The yoga pose for opening this chakra is Child’s Pose.

Sahasrara (Crown chakra)

Sahasrara, or the Crown chakra is located on the top of the head and rules spirituality, enlightenment, ascension, and connection to the divine. When this chakra is balanced, we feel a connection to god, source, universe and the collective. When blocked, we feel disconnected, with no path or purpose, lost and alone. Psychologically, we feel depressed, confused, faithless, and incomplete. Physical problems can include light sensitivity, dementia, and autoimmune disorders. Activities that can help open up this chakra are prayer and meditation. The yoga pose for opening this chakra is the Headstand.

At some point, I have experienced low functioning to completely closed chakras, sometimes multiple ones at a time. When my root chakra is impaired, I feel low functioning of the other six as well. Most of the time, for me, these were connected to acute traumas, but a couple times it was from chronic lack of self-care on my own part.

The four times I experienced massive stress and worry regarding my security and safety (root), I had two acute foot injuries and two acute knee injuries right in the middle of those episodes. When my husband, at the time, had an affair on me, where I felt “less than” sexually (sacral), I developed heavy, extended periods, an urinary tract infection and chronic lower back pain. The three times I experienced shocking betrayal and lost my confidence and courage (solar plexus), I developed either digestive issues, or rapid weight gain around the middle torso area. Every time I got my heart broken (heart), I got heart palpitations and chest pain. When I got into intense relationships were I feel I can’t speak my truth (throat), I developed a chronic, irritated cough and muscle knots in my neck (usually right side). When I have been hit a hard blow and am unable to hold faith in my beliefs (third eye), I developed sinus headaches, my nose bleeds increase drastically, and my hair gets thinner. Whenever I feel lost and alone and not connected (crown), I feel sharp shooting pains throughout my scalp.

It took almost my entire life to see the patterns of my thoughts and feelings, and how they related to physical and emotional issues and how they could easily become I repeating cycle. There are times when all my chakras are in good working order and my body and emotions are in a state of bliss. I take these moments to heart and do not take them for granted.

What works for me is getting a pendulum reading to determine which ones are impaired or not aligned, and then to receive a Reiki energy treatment to help flush the energy through my body again. This must be combined with actively acknowledging what the cause of the impairment is to clear it out, otherwise it will just become misaligned again in a couple days.

I have to actively work on a regular basis to keep them open and flowing, for life just keeps happening and in order to handle all those curve balls well, we must be in a free flowing state of energy.

If you are interested in receiving a pendulum reading and Reiki treatment, please contact Gina Zane.

Thank you for reading. xoxo