What does it mean when planets are in retrograde and how does it effect us?
Today on June 18th, 2020 there will now be four planets in retrograde. In the United States, Mercury will go retrograde on this day, joining four other planets of Saturn, Venus and Jupiter that all went retrograde in May. What does this all mean personally and collectively?
While these planets are direct, we can focus on forward motion in the areas these planets govern, but while retrograde, it’s time to look over the areas of our lives that they rule. Retrogrades are associated with all words that start with “re”, such as reevaluate, review, redesign, readjust, redo, reassess, release, reinvent, revisit, renew and reconcile are just a few. So while retrogrades are often times viewed negatively, they are actually present so we can take the time to do all these “re” things in our lives. We can’t always be all about action, we must take time to look over our actions and see where improvements or updates are needed.

Saturn started its retrograde on May 11th and will continue until September 29th. Saturn rules long-term success, self-discipline, limitations, authority and responsibility. It starts its retrograde in Aquarius and ends in Capricorn. In a retrograde period, its really a time to rest and review items relating to careers, work projects, physical and mental health. During this time, it can cause us to second guess any decisions we have made for our long-term goals regarding work and projects, and if they are aligned with our future desires and outcomes. We may need to adjust some goals and plans to be able to get on the trajectory of our actual reality.

Venus started its retrograde on May 13th and will continue until June 25th. Venus rules love, relationships, values and finances. It starts and ends its retrograde in Gemini. In retrograde period, its a time to review our past relationships with people and money, and how they are contributing to our current actions. We often have memories of past lovers during this time, or we start to reevaluate our current relationships, looking at how and if they are serving us both positively and negatively. This a time when rocky relationships often end, or solid ones become deeper. We also start to look at how we spend or save money and if we are on track or not. We may need to make some adjustments accordingly in these areas.

Jupiter started its retrograde on May 14th and will continue until September 12th. Jupiter rules expansion, freedom, long- distance travel, education and law. It starts and ends its retrograde in Capricorn. In retrograde period, its time to look at the big picture of our purpose and passions. We might define a more detailed view of this or perhaps gotten off track with the need to realign with our morals, values and principles. We will be forced to take a hard look at our philosophies and spiritual reflections.

Mercury started its retrograde on June 17th and will continue until July 12th. Mercury rules communication, technology, commerce, travel, perception and intellect. It starts and ends its retrograde in Cancer. In retrograde period, we often see miscommunication, technology glitches and travel delays. Oftentimes, since it is the planet of communication, exes might contact you out of the blue during retrograde. This is the shortest of retrogrades at only three weeks, but it occurs usually three times a year, while the other slower moving planets don’t occur as often and for longer periods of time.
What this looks like over all for the period of June 17th-July 12th when all four planets are retrograde?

The main focus for us during this time is work and love. We will be evaluating our career or work projects, and our relationship choices.
Saturn and Jupiter will have us questioning our areas where we generate money. Are we spot on on our choices, or do we need to readjust our path for better alignment? Do we love what we do and is it working in our life creating progress, or is it time to make plans to change our direction in life in how we make money?
Venus and Mercury will have us questioning or reaffirming our relationships and communication in those relationships. Are we in a solid situation with a partner or is it time to consider letting go to allow something new in? Do we look back on the one that got away and try again or do we stand firm in our belief that we made the right choice in the past? With both of these planets having us reevaluate our current and past relationships, many things can resurface, causing us to question our commitments (current, past or future).
A note of caution here. Retrograde is NOT a time to take action. It is a time of reflection and review. A time to make plans for the future. When decisions are made during a retrograde, they tend to fail when the planet goes direct again. On a good note, this is a time that has been given to us to do this introspection we need, in order to determine if we are where we should be or if we need to plan for something different.
Thank you for reading. xoxo