“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear…” – Unknown
I started my yoga journey 14 years ago. It started with a free community class offered within walking distance of my home. I had two small children, a husband and worked from home. I did nothing for myself except drink some wine while watching TV with my family. That was the extent of my self-care.
We lived in a teeny tiny town on the Northern California coast and I knew this community class would have scores of people that I knew from my neighborhood. But the drive to do something, anything for myself outweighed any awkwardness that might entail. So off I went.
And awkward it was. Seeing the mayor, council people, town shop owners, the newspaper editor and many other townsfolk just made for strange bedfellows when dealing with doing yoga for the first time. But honestly, I think everyone felt the same way I did.
I continued to go every week until the teacher suddenly disappeared and the students tried to continue on our own. This faded away after sometime and that was it. But I had fallen in love.

Time went on, we bought a house, opened a wine shop business, and I continued to work from home. Once again needing an outlet, I tried out the local community college yoga class for two semesters and then moved to a private studio where I learned of all the different types of yoga.
I loved the atmosphere of the private yoga studio. I instantly felt at home. We were required to remove our shoes at the door and walk into an incense burning lobby where we could drink tea and sit on the overstuffed couches waiting for the classes to begin. At this studio, I tried Gentle yoga for the first time and something unexpected happened.

This Gentle Yoga was based on Yin Yoga where you hold poses in a seated position or prone position for extended amounts of time. At the time, I had not taken Yin Yoga before, so I didn’t realize this was a form of yoga that gets into the deep fascia layers where memories and emotions are stored and when stretched open, these memories and/or emotions can be released.
At the time, my husband and I were going through a very stressful period of trying to help our youngest daughter get off of drugs and off the streets. These yoga classes were the only thing that seemed to keep me sane. I was sitting in a pose for an extended amount of time and suddenly this flood of emotions and flashes from my childhood came rushing through me. Tears started streaming faster than I could stop them and snot came dripping out my nose. This was one of the worst forms of ugly cry possible. And I was in a room with a bunch of people I didn’t know and I couldn’t stop.
As I was leaving, and trying to hide my puffy, red face, the kind instructor said to me, as I passed by her, “It’s normal, don’t worry”. I shyly nodded and thanked her. At least I now had some knowledge that what happened and what continues to happen-no longer ugly crying each time though, just a gentle flowing of the tears-is normal. But I still didn’t know why it happened, until years later when I learned holding a pose for an extended time can cause this emotional release.

Some of my favorite yoga memories were at that studio: the peaceful tranquility of the studio, the post-yoga saunas, the yoga teacher who became my massage therapist, and my good friend, Mary, who would join me once a week for a class. We would grab a beer and a salad after class at the pub next door to the studio, and that is when I learned that yoga can become a lifestyle. It was 2012 and when my spiritual journey began.
After Mary and I followed our favorite teacher, Gabrielle, to two different gyms, she decided to stop teaching so she could focus solely on her massage practice. It was then that I met Christine. Christine taught a Vin-yin style class and this is when I learned how to incorporate meditation into yoga. She invited me to a meditation class she taught weekly with her husband and the world of mediation opened up for me exponentially. Christine created a major shift in my life.

I took a job on the Southern California coast and became married to my work trying to restore a dysfunctional environment to the detriment of my health. For the first year, I had given up all the pursuits of happiness and felt myself sink into a deep pit of despair. Another good friend, Pam, was visiting me from Northern California and she asked if I would consider going back to some of these pursuits for my general well-being. I had noticed a yoga studio next to my apartment, so I went in to check out a class. I read all the descriptions and chose to take a Yin class.
Now mind you, while I had experienced components to Yin yoga before, I hadn’t ever truly experienced Yin in its true form or potential. I started taking a Sunday morning class with the studio’s owner, Monica. She called the two Sunday morning classes she taught “Yoga Church”. It was truly that. She would incorporate readings from various spiritual personal growth books, chakra aromatherapy, soundbath and meditation. I felt myself connecting with the Divine again. While I had been continuing on my spiritual path since 2012, making sometimes painstakingly slow progress all the way to sudden, rapid, unexpected emotional purges, this was the first time my personal growth was becoming directly linked to my yoga classes. Up until this point, it was just an extension of it.
After about a year of doing Yin, not only did it accelerate my spiritual growth, it also increased my physical flexibility by another 50%. I thought I had reached my peak of range of motion by the time I was in my mid 40’s, but here I was at 51 becoming almost as flexible as I was in my 20’s. This is when I realized that while I enjoy various types of yoga and will continue to do different forms, Yin Yoga is my calling.

My teacher, Monica, was about to become my mentor when she asked if I would be interested in attending her teacher training. This caught me off-guard, since I had never considered being a yoga teacher before. She said she felt I would be a natural at it. I considered what she said. I had never really seen myself as a teacher before, but I was running and overseeing a teaching wildlife hospital where I taught technicians, interns and pre-vet students everyday. And I loved that part of my job, more than anything.
So after a lot of consideration and talks with Monica, I took a leap of faith and signed up for the teacher training. I was only doing it to further my personal growth, since I didn’t want to commit to teaching with the demands of my job at the time. But two weeks after graduation, Monica contacted me and asked if I would teach a Yin (Stretch) class. I agreed, without hesitation.
Teaching Yin Yoga is as natural to me as breathing. I model my classes from Monica’s themes. I learned chakra aromatherapy and soundbath to include in my classes, along with a spiritual theme to read each time. My students are amazing, grateful humans and the overwhelming love I feel during and after class, when I see how they look and hear how they feel, confirms I am on the right path.
After years of contributing to the healing of beautiful animals, I now see the beauty of helping to heal the human collective.

Thank you for reading. xoxo Namaste.
**If you would like to join me on the mat, please visit Hard Yoga to have a look at the schedule. If you are not a Southern California resident, Monica also offers an online library of classes.