The Marriage of Tarot and Astrology

“I don’t believe in Astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” -Arthur C. Clarke

Garbage, you know, is very revealing. It beats the shit out of Tarot cards.” – Armistead Maupin

As discussed in the post The Truth of Tarot, astrology signs have been directly tied to tarot cards for hundreds of years. Jean-Baptiste Alliette (1738-1791), became the first renown occultist doing card divination. The French occultist devised a set of corresponding references between astrology and tarot. In 1785, he wrote a book called How to Entertain Yourself With the Deck of Cards Called Tarot. In 1790, he wrote another book where he tried to interpret the Egyptian book of Thoth, supposed to have been written by the Egyptian god Thoth, the god of writing and knowledge. This was the birth of the Thoth deck idea of the Major and Minor Arcana and their connection with the four elements and the 12 zodiac signs.

Taken from a book called Tarot and Astrology: Enhance Your Readings With The Wisdom Of The Zodiac, by Corrine Kenner, I produced a cheat sheet for these correlations of the 22 Major Arcana cards.

Tarot CardMeaningZodiac/PlanetMeaning
The FoolDoesn’t care what people thinkUranusrebellion, revolution
The Magician (Magus)Master of banter and fast talkMercuryspeed, communication
The High PriestessArchetypal PsychicMoonreflection, intuition
The EmpressWife and MotherVenuslove, attraction
The EmperorMaster and CommanderAriesaction, leadership
The HierophantKeeper of TraditionTaurusstability, pleasure
The LoversThink and Speak as OneGeminithought, communication
The ChariotProtector of Moving HomeCancerhome, family
Justice (Adjustment)Model of FairnessLibrabalance, equality
The HermitQuiet LeaderVirgoresponsibility, service
The Wheel of FortuneUps and DownsJupiterluck, abundance
Strength (Lust)Master of Gentle Force and ControlLeocourage, passion
The Hanged ManSuspensionNeptunemysticism, illusion
DeathRuler of the UnderworldScorpiorebirth, transformation
Temperance (Art)The AlchemistSagittariusphilosophy, education
The DevilMaterial TemptationCapricornsuccess, status
The TowerUnexpected DestructionMarswar, aggression
The StarHope and InspirationAquariussocial, futuristic
The MoonBringer of NightPiscesmystical, subconscious
The SunSustainer of LifeSunenergy, enlightenment
Judgment (The Aeon)Awareness and UnderstandingPlutoresurrection, change
The World (The Universe)Boundaries and StructureSaturnlimitation, restriction
Tarot Cards and their association to Zodiac signs and Planets

Let’s go deeper into just the 12 Zodiac signs and their corresponding Tarot cards.

Aries-The Emperor: authority, leader, power, action, adventure

Taurus-The Hierophant: teacher, advisor, carefulness, deliberate, stability

Gemini-The Lovers: duality, union, connection, attraction, communication

Cancer-The Chariot: home, family, beginnings, growth, security

Leo-Strength: endurance, creativity, courage, passion, loyalty

Virgo-The Hermit: responsibility, service, purpose, inward, alone

Libra-Justice: balance, equality, centering, options, decisions

Scorpio-Death: rebirth, transformation, resurrection, mysterious, release

Sagittarius-Temperance: alchemy, philosophy, education, enlightenment, mediator

Capricorn-The Devil: materialism, success, status, work, acquiring

Aquarius-The Star: original, futuristic, social, optimism, inspiration

Pisces-The Moon: dreams, illusions, mystical, subconscious, emotions

The Four Elements

Next, looking at the elements that are associated with Zodiac signs and Tarot cards, we have the suits and signs that are aligned with the elements, along with a glimpse into the corresponding Court cards.


Fire-Wands: Aries (King), Leo (Queen), Sagittarius (Page)

Wands stand for energy and action. Wands people are energetic, charismatic, warm, and spiritual.


Earth-Pentacles: Taurus (King), Virgo (Queen), Capricorn (Page)

Pentacles stand for possessions and abundance. Pentacles people are stable, reliable, sturdy, and responsible.


Air-Swords: Gemini (King), Libra (Queen), Aquarius (Page)

Swords stand for thoughts and ideas. Swords people are talkative, intelligent, quick witted and unique.


Water-Cups: Cancer (King), Scorpio (Queen), Pisces (Page)

Cups stand for love and relationships. Cups people are emotional, passionate, loving, and sensitive.

Noticing how Court cards have an associated Zodiac sign, the King, Queen and Page/Knight (Princess/Prince) also all correspond to the 12 astrological signs.

Let’s look at my trifecta of signs and their relation to tarot. I have my sun in Sagittarius, my rising in Scorpio, and my moon in Leo. Using my Thoth deck and companion book, these are the corresponding cards.

Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo

Sagittarius (Temperance/Art): unification of opposites, balance, inner change, transformation, alchemy, a quantum leap, creative power.

Scorpio (Death): death and resurrection, transformation, external changes, free from the old.

Leo (Strength/Lust): passion, multidimensional creativity, talents, strength, integration of animalistic energies, overcoming old fears and conditionings.

Notice my blueprint has a reoccurring theme. Transformation, internal and external changes, overcoming and being free from the old, unification and integration through creativity.

Each zodiac sign has a Court card and these are mine.


Sagittarius-Princess of Wands: being freed from fear, new beginning, optimism, increased perception.


Scorpio-Queen of Cups: as above-so below, emotions shown openly, emotional integrity.


Leo-Queen of Wands: self-knowledge, change, compassion.

Now my Court cards show interesting patterns with symbols occurring over and over again. Notice the images of cats (4 cards), birds (3 cards), and snakes (2 cards). And they also contribute to the same theme of transformation (as above, so below), change and being freed.

This whole Phoenix rising from the ashes bit has been a part of my life, over and over again, long before I corresponded my tarot cards with my zodiac signs.

Phoenix rising from the ashes

Tying in someone’s Zodiac signs with their corresponding Tarot cards can give great insight into their personality, traits, purpose and mission in life and can contribute to a larger picture of one’s destiny.

For your personal reading of Astrological and Tarot interpretations ($22.00), please email me at: with your date of birth, time of birth and birth place.

Thank you for reading. xoxo

Astrology: How do the Planets influence your life?

“Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer.” —J. P. Morgan

From my youngest memory, there has always been Astrology in my life. I am often surprised when someone will ask me, “What is Astrology?”

There are many types of Astrology, but the three main ones are: Vedic Astrology, also known as Hindu or Indian Astrology, originating about 5,000-8,000 years ago; Chinese Astrology, whose origin goes back to 2nd century BC to 2nd century AD; and Western Tropical Astrology that originated in 2nd century AD and is derived from Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos (Alexandrian scholar Claudius Ptolemy’s four books/texts). We will be focusing on Western Astrology, for the sake of this post.

Merriam-Webster defines Astrology as: the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects. The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as: the study of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, planets and stars in the belief that they affect the character and lives of people.

Astrology literally translates as “the study of the stars.”

Carl Jung probably best described it as:

“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.”

Most people are aware of their Sun sign because someone just needs to know their birthday.

Zodiac signs with corresponding birth dates

But to create an accurate natal chart, the birth time and the place of birth is also needed. (If the time of birth is unknown, then 12:00 noon is used to calculate).

A natal chart is a blue print completely specific to each person at the exact time they were born. Think of this blueprint, as a map of the Universe and the placement of the planets around the sun at that time.

The natal chart determines the sun sign, rising sign-or ascendant, moon sign and where the planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were all located at the time of birth. It also determines many other details, but for this post we will start by focusing on just those aspects for the time being, avoiding getting too complex.

The solar system planet placements

In Astronomy, there are constellations of stars that are associated with each Zodiac sign. And each planet is also associated with Zodiac signs. When someone is born, it’s where all of these were arranged in the sky that becomes their map or blueprint.

Constellations associated with each Zodiac sign
Each zodiac is also ruled by a planet

The 12 zodiac sign have 4 elements assigned to them: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Each element has three signs. Each sign is ruled by characteristic traits of that element.

Water: Intuitive, emotional and ultra-sensitive.

Earth: Slow, stable and grounded.

Fire: Passionate, dynamic, and temperamental.

Air: Action, ideas, and motion.

Elements associated with the 12 Zodiac Signs

So let’s now get into some details.

Using myself as an example, I was born on November 24th, 1967 at 6:10am in Loma Linda, California. When this event happened on that date, at that time, at that place, my map was created. And this is what it looked like.

Astrology Chart with placements and transits
Planet placements with degrees

As we can see, I am a Sagittarius sun, Scorpio rising (ascendant), and a Leo moon (double fire, single water) as my Trinity effect. It shows that my Mercury is also in Scorpio, my Venus is in Libra, my Mars is in Capricorn, my Jupiter is in Virgo, my Saturn is in Aries, my Uranus is also in Virgo, my Neptune is in Scorpio-again, and my Pluto is in Virgo-again. Each one of these placements is a snapshot of my characteristics in relation to what that planet stands for.

Each planet stands for a different part of a person’s life. Whatever sign is in that planet reflects on how each person deals with that part of their lives.

Sun Self, CharacteristicsWho I am
MoonEmotions, InstinctsHow I feel
RisingAppearances, TraitsHow I look to others
MercuryCommunicate, IntellectHow I think and communicate
VenusLove, BeautyHow I love and appreciate
MarsAction, DesireHow I respond to life
JupiterExpansion, AbundanceHow I attract luck
SaturnRestrictions, LimitationsHow I self-discipline
UranusRebellion, UpheavelHow I deal with chaos
NeptuneDreams, ImaginationHow I dream and imagine
Pluto Power, ObessionHow I transform

So what does this all mean?

For me it means this.

Who I am generally speaking is ruled by Sagittarius, how I feel inside is ruled by Leo, how I look to others is ruled by Scorpio, how I think and communicate are also ruled by Scorpio, how I love (and want to be loved) and appreciate are ruled by Libra, how I respond to life is ruled by Capricorn, how I attract luck is ruled by Virgo, how I self-discipline is ruled by Aries, how I deal with chaos is also ruled by Virgo, how I dream and imagine are again ruled by Scorpio, and how I transform is ruled Virgo, again.

Each sign has positive traits and negative traits. I call this evolved and unevolved.

Specific traits of each zodiac sign
General traits of each zodiac sign

So how does this make me as a person?

When I was younger, I exhibited many of the unevolved traits of my signs. And easily still do so, if I am not conscience of my thoughts and actions. With age and transformation, I have seen more of the evolved traits emerge within me fairly regularly, and so I will use the evolved, more powerful side of me as an example.

My main traits and characteristics are that I am optimistic, freedom loving, honest, straight forward, and philosophical and I love intellectual stimulation (Sagittarius).

What I feel and need inside are generosity, loyalty, creative and enthusiastic (Leo).

How other people see me, how I communicate and how I dream are determined, passionate, emotional, and magnetic (Scorpio x 3). Notice that how I dream and communicate are directly linked to how others view me, with these three planets being tied to one sign. Then tie that into being honest and straightforward from my sun sign (Sagittarius), and what does that mean about me? What you see is exactly what you get.

How I love and want to be loved is based on romance, charm, peace and balance (Libra). Libra is the sign of equality, so my relationships must have a balance.

My actions and how I deal with life are practical, ambitious, disciplined and careful (Capricorn).

My restrictions and self-discipline are courageous, adventurous and confident (Aries). Aries in this planet always goes after what they want, sometimes too quickly. I have disciplined and careful Capricorn, thank god, to balance my quick actions (Aries).

My luck and abundance, the way I react to upheaval (uniqueness), and my power and transformations are meticulous, diligent and analytical (Virgo x 3). Again, notice that with this combo of three planets ruled by one sign, means that upheaval, power and transformations are all directly tied to luck and abundance for me. Every challenging, chaotic and transformational event in my life has always made me more powerful and abundant or lucky, because they are ruled by the meticulous, diligent and analytical sign of Virgo.

So this my friends, is a snapshot of who I am. I say snapshot because this is only touching the tip if the iceberg. The natal chart is like a web of intricacies that just keep looping around and connecting back to each other.

Stay tuned while we dig deeper into the natal chart and how it defines us.

If you would like to see what lies in the stars and planets for you, click here and go to chart drawing for a free astrology chart.

Thank you for reading. xoxo