“There’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound, music and vibration. You can look at disease as a form of disharmony.” – Mitchell Gaynor
Music and sound has been used for therapeutic effects and healing for thousands of years. It has been found since the beginning of recorded history. The Greeks used to use sound healing to cure mental disorders. And about 200 years ago, studies showed that music could lower blood pressure, decrease pulse rate and assist the parasympathetic nervous system.
Genetic studies have revealed musical expressions in our DNA, and NASA has recorded the vibrating sounds of all the planets, comets, and even some black holes. The Universe is made up of sound.
Our bodies, being a part of the Universal One, are also made up of energy that create sound. According to the American Institute of Stress, 90% of doctor visits are due to stress. Stress pulls our cells out of coherent structure, causing a disharmony within the body. Stress also causes our energy vortexes (chakras) to become blocked or malfunctioning. Without the free flowing energy within our bodies, our tissues and organs become dis-eased. When stress is left unchecked or unresolved, the body starts communicating its out of tune disharmony with stress signals such as anxiety, depression, food sensitivities, allergies, inflammation, insomnia, organ malfunction, or physical and emotional pain, to name only a few.
When sound touches us, it penetrates our cells so that they move in different directions at a different speed, corresponding with the sound wave through oscillation and resonance. The sound only needs to be felt, not necessarily heard to be effective. Hearing the resonance is only an added benefit.
Sound healing is a natural way to get the bodies energy movement back into “tune”, by aligning the chakras natural “musical notes”. Each of the body’s 7 chakras has its own vibrational sounds, which follows the musical scale. Humans didn’t create music, the Universe did. Humans only learned how to express the sounds that were already present inside of their bodies.

Let’s review chakras again. A previous post, What are the 7 Chakras of the body and How do they Influence your Health?, goes into detail, but we will do a general review here.

Each one of these energy wheels (vortexes) is responsible from basic bodily functions to spiritual needs or desires, from the most base one of the root chakra, to the most enlightened one of the crown chakra.
Chakra | Location | Meaning | Needs/Desires |
Root | Base of Spine | I exist | Safety, Security |
Sacral | Pelvis | I desire | Passion, Sexuality |
Solar Plexus | Stomach | I do | Courage, Confidence |
Heart | Chest | I love | Relationships, Empathy |
Throat | Neck | I express | Communication, Faith |
Third Eye | Forehead | I see | Intuition, Insight |
Crown | Top of Head | I understand | Spirituality, Universe |
If there is a stressor, or multiple stressors within the above “needs/desires” category, that chakra will often be blocked or malfunctioning. Ailments located in the location of the body (in the column above) will often express themselves physically. As a couple of examples, digestion issues with the stomach or upper intestines, will often manifest when there is a lack of courage or confidence, whereas lower intestinal digestive issues or reproductive issues can be connected to a low/too high libido or issues around sex. Another one could be chronic headaches or vision issues might be a disconnect from your intuition and insight. On the flip side, tingling on the top of your head often indicates your connection to the universe or your spirituality, or if headaches are rare for you, then you are in tune with your intuition. Those are just a few examples and reviewing the above ^ post can give you more insight.
So, now we can go into how sound healing can help balance the energy movement in each of those locations. But this also involves effort and free will, as it will only become unbalanced again, if the stressor is not alleviated or resolved.
Knowing our bodies are comprised of organic flesh and blood, inorganic crystalline-based mineral structures are also present within. So while any instrument that resonates at a certain frequency will be helpful, my belief is that pure crystal bowls (99.8% silicon quartz) might be the most effective for the body’s healing (while well crafted Tibetan bronze bowls are also amazing). Each of my crystal quartz singing bowls are digitally matched to the musical scale – C, D, E, F, G, A, B. Frequency in singing bowls is measured in vibrations per second known as Hertz (Hz). The lower the frequency the slower the vibrations, the higher the frequency the faster the vibrations. So, depending on the frequency the bowls are made at will depend on the vibrating capacity.
Chakra | Color | Note | Location |
Root | Red | C | Base of Spine |
Sacral | Orange | D | Pelvis |
Solar Plexus | Yellow | E | Stomach |
Heart | Green | F | Chest |
Throat | Blue | G | Neck |
3rd Eye | Purple | A | Forehead |
Crown | Violet | B | Top of Head |
Here is a demo by Ashana playing crystal bowls at Mt. Shasta. I like that she is playing there, as Mt. Shasta is considered a very powerful location by some. Ashana does a really good job of playing both clear notes and resonance in this clip. Have a listen…
The Sound of the Silent mind
In my Yin yoga class, there is an opening song I play that has a quote in the beginning that is spoken, not sung. He says, “The word is the argument of silence.” What this means to me is that we spend hours each day filling our mind with words, thoughts and sentences. We have a constant need to fill up the empty spaces in our mind with endless chatter. We do this in an attempt to NOT be silent and these words create vibrations within us all. We even have the capability of transmitting these mindful communications out into the collective, and these can be positive or negative.
At the end of my yoga class, I always do a 10 mins Savasana session where I include a sound bath healing that incorporates crystal singing bowls, bronze Tibetan bowls and chimes all tuned at different notes and frequencies. This 10 minute time frame allows both the yoga to be incorporated and integrated into the long term memory system, while the sounds reach into a cellular level to heal and repair organ functions and chakra balancing.
I also do classes just for sound bath healing, where students reach a deep meditative state, while lying down, as I play a series of notes, along with nature sounds and music that directly correlate to each chakra area.
Due to multiple requests, I now offer private one on one sessions with clients that include yoga and sound, or I can bring in other practitioners where Reiki and/or massage can also be included. Coming soon will be the option for yoga and sound healing virtually from you own home. Please click here for more information.
Thank you for reading. xoxo