Animal Alchemy Healing
Lisa Peronne
Animal Reiki Practitioner, Animal Reiki Master Teacher
Let Animals Lead™ Method
(Scroll down to the bottom for bio)
Instagram: animal.alchemy.healing
Shoden and Animal Reiki Trainings (Let Animals Lead ™ Method)
Do you feel an inner calling to do more with animals? Do you want to learn meditation techniques to facilitate your own self-healing, so that you can experience healing with animals? Then this class is for you! You will learn Reiki meditation techniques and be able to apply them to the beautiful horses at a local stable.
Level 1: $350 (includes manual & certificate)
Level 2: $450 (includes manual & certificate)
Click here for next training dates
The Let Animals Lead™ unique method of Animal Reiki was created by Kathleen Prasad and approaches all animals as spiritual healers and teachers, emphasizing the virtues of humility, integrity, compassion, and gratitude in its practitioners.
What you will learn:
- The traditional Japanese meaning of Reiki and how it relates to the healing of self and others.
- Traditional practice of Joshin Kokyu Ho and Seishin Toitsu and how to use them with animals.
- The Reiki Precepts and meditations for animals, hands-on Reiki self-treatment and how to incorporate the precepts into the space held for animals and their people.
- You will receive an overview of the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics and why it is important when approaching animals with Reiki sessions.
- You will learn techniques for grounding yourself, learning to expand your consciousness, and create a connection in the present moment to help you become an animal magnet to even the most sensitive animals. This class is also great for your own personal healing, so you can incorporate Reiki in your day-to-day existence.
- The Animal Reiki philosophy of ‘being’ Reiki ‘with’ your animals, as opposed to ‘doing’ Reiki ‘to’ them.
- You will be able to practice hands on with horses, find your power animal totem for your training (through spirit animal tarot/oracle cards), and experience in person sound bath healing during the class mediations.
What you will receive:
- An extensive and in-depth professional manual to guide your journey.
- A beautiful certificate to show your professional training.
- Four hours of hands on reiki experience.
- An invitation to join SARA (Shelter Animal Reiki Association) as a Practitioner member.
What you will need:
Day One: bring a yoga mat, or similar item for meditations, blanket/pillow (optional for your comfort), journal and notebook, water, and lunch/money for our mid-day one hour break.
Day Two: layered and comfortable clothing with closed toe shoes, journal or notebook, water, snacks, and sunscreen/hat. We will be outdoors for 4 hours.
About your teacher:
Lisa Peronne has been a domestic and wildlife veterinary technician, wildlife manager, wildlife biologist and animal healer for over 30 years. Just prior to practicing and teaching animal Reiki, she ran a wildlife teaching hospital and rehabilitation center, where she unknowingly practiced reiki with her wildlife patients. She received her training from three teachers in two lineages. She obtained her Usui/Holy Fire III in both Human Reiki Levels 1&2 and Animal Reiki Levels 1&2 (International Center for Reiki Training), with Kathy Golden (The Golden Reiki Center-Human Reiki), and Colleen Benelli (Reiki Lifestyle-Animal Reiki), and her Let Animals Lead® Animal Reiki Levels 1&2 and Level 3 teaching credential, studying under Kathleen Prasad (Animal Reiki Source). Lisa specializes in trauma responses with dogs and cats, and energy exchange healing with horses. She coexists with a ginger tabby boy cat named Bob and an Arabian Quarter horse paint mare name Bella.
Animal Reiki Sessions (1 on 1)
Let Animals Lead™ Method (for dogs, cats or horses)
Free 15 min consultation via phone 949-415-6711
30 min session $60
60 min session $120